F5 - Invoicing

The invoicing (F5) function allows selection and sale of an existing customer order or quote. If a customer has been selected prior to choosing this function, the selection list of order numbers will be limited to that account. For a complete list of orders or quotes, don't select a customer before choosing "invoicing."

Invoicing a Quote or Order

A form window is used for order or quote selection. If you need help finding an order or quote, use the alternate menu for additional options. Type the text to match with in the Order # (or Quote #) area prior to choosing an alternate selection option. For example, if you are searching by the customer's PO, type that in first and then choose "Customer PO#" from the alternate menu. A selection list of just those orders or quotes matching the PO will be provided (if any).



The Select option on the alternate menu opens another form with additional selection options. This same form can be used with both orders and quotes.


The Select Order (or Quote) form expands if you choose "Selected Items;" otherwise, it is just used for document selection as shown below. If the "All Items" radio button is selected, the entire order or quote will be selected for sale. After items from an order are added to the Sale grid, any items from the order that are not sold in full will not be considered back-ordered but are considered "unsold." The only way to designate an item as back-ordered is to use the "selected items" option.*



*When referring to a "backorder" in this way, we are discussing the status of the item opposed to whether the item is still available for sale from the order. Items are either sold, back-ordered, or unsold. An item must be partially sold to be assigned the "backorder" status. This distinction is used to tell the difference between an item that wasn't completely sold but was invoiced and an item that just hasn't been invoiced yet. It also allows you to select which items a customer still wants to keep open on an order item-by-item when an order is being partially sold. Some document styles key off of this distinction.

If the "Selected Items" radio button is selected, the form will expand to allow item-by-item selection, and for orders, back-ordering. Quantities can be modified for any item. The select column of check boxes determines which items are to be copied into the Point of Sale grid. For orders, the "BckOrD" column designates which items should be back-ordered (left open on the order with a "back-ordered" status). If no items are back-ordered or remain unsold, the order will be closed.


Select Order (Expanded for Item Selection)

Select Order (Expanded for Item Selection)

Deposit To Apply

The deposit to apply is calculated based upon your selections in the grid. The total produced is calculated for each selected item using the item's quantity, price, and taxable status. The deposit to apply total will not include any adjustments associated with the order. Adjustments may be adders or discounts, prorated using a number of methods (invoice, item), may be taxable (or not), and may be based only on the discountable total (which also may include sales tax or not). When partially invoicing an order, any adjustments which are a set dollar amount (not a percentage) default to the full amount of the adjustment. Manual amount adjustments are not prorated based on the order amount selected for sale. If you remove the adjustments from the partial sale of the order, the deposit will match the total. It is suggested that you "sell" adjustments with the final invoice of the order when it is begin sold in increments so that the deposits can be prorated properly.

Invoicing a Quote

For quotes, any unsold items, or quantities of items that are only partially sold, will remain open on the quote until it is either entirely sold or expires.

Select Quote (Expanded for Item Selection)

Select Quote (Expanded for Item Selection)

If the quote or order contains ItemSets, a control will appear at the top of the select form. Use the check boxes to determine which ItemSets are included for selection. Any items that were not assigned to an ItemSet are grouped together using the "<None>" selection.


Choose the Accept (ALT-A) button once all selections have been made to the order or quote. Some changes can be made in the Sales grid after item selection; however, it's best to make quantity and selections in the Select Order or Select Quote form.