Point of Sale > Utilities > Invoice Reversal

Important! Invoice reversal is not capable of reversing all transactions automatically. When a transaction cannot be reversed using this utility, it can be manually reversed in most cases. Manual reversal is easier if you use the Import (F2) function to copy items from the original document.

There are a number of reasons why invoice reversal cannot always be done. For example, certain item types require user interaction for selection or additional information. Additionally, any processing issues requiring task list (errors/warning) responses require some action on the part of the user cannot be reversed automatically. For additional and more specific reasons why some transactions cannot be automatically be reversed, please refer to the Reversal Facts section below.

In some cases, this utility may be used to process a "quick" reversal transaction for an existing sale, return, or charge return ("PS Invoices" or "PS Charge Returns" type document). Reversals create links between documents just like other transactions. In addition, both the original transaction and reversal documents are modified so that when viewed (or printed), a reference note appears notifying the user that a reversal was done.

Payment Methods

Transactions may have one or more payment methods. To view additional details about the transaction, double-click on the document ID in the "Invoice #" field to open the document. Payment method information appears at the bottom of the document. Reversal is restricted for some transaction types and/or situations that would require additional user involvement.

Manual Reversal

If you manually need to reverse a sale or return, consider using the Import (F2) functions in Point of Sale to copy the items from the original document. This can save time and make entry much easier when manually reversing a longer transaction.

Reversal Facts

There are a number of situations or scenarios where reversals may be used as well as some where they may not. When the application encounters a problem or reason that prevents a reversal, users will receive an 'error' message and no reversal will be created. In these cases, it still may be possible to manually reverse the transaction. The following is a list of points regarding the reversal function:

Reversals may not be done on transactions involving gift card or stored value card type items.

If using integrated card processing reversing a card transaction, an attempt is made to automatically reverse the transaction. This is done using a transaction identifier (token) received from the processor at time processing the original sale. We are not using the card information. Card information is not retained in the application data. Only one reversal is allowed per transaction, so additional attempts will result in an error message. For companies who use other software products, services, or methods for card processing, no automatic reversal is done. Whether it is or is not possible to reverse a bankcard transaction, a variety of prompts and information are presented for confirmation. In some cases, you may need to manually reverse the card.

Debit cards can usually not be credited using a token.

TSYS Cayan voids and refunds are limited to the amount of the original sale.

Reversals for Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Financial card-holders will attempt to authorize during the reversal. Reversals of credit sales (returns) create a SALE transaction for Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp).

Open Tickets (prior to invoicing), Orders, and Quotes are not available for reversal, but invoices involving them are. For example, users cannot reverse a customer order transaction to remove a deposit; however, if a sale is reversed that involved an order with a deposit, the items sold are re-opened and the deposit is re-applied to the order. Order deposits may be refunded in Payouts if needed. Quotes don't commit inventory, so delete an open quote to remove it (reversal isn't required).

Reversing an invoice that was originally an "open ticket" transaction does not create a new "open ticket" document.

An invoice of a quote that is reversed will not re-open the quote.

An invoice of a customer order that is reversed does re-open the order. Any deposit amounts used toward the sale are re-applied to the order. If you are unable to use this utility to reverse an invoice linked with a customer order, manual reversal of the invoice will not re-open the order associated with the original sale. A new order would need to be created in this case (this can also be done using the Import (F2) function).

COD sales that are reversed are treated as "cash credits" with regard to updating of totals even if the original COD was paid using a different method (charge to account, bank card, etc.).

Reversals are not an "undo" option. An entirely separate and new transaction is created and processed. Both transactions affect totals, accounts, and items individually. Reversals don't necessarily have to occur during the same business day, month, or year even, so a reversal updates the totals and other information for the date the reversal is processed only. Additionally, current item settings such as "Track Qty On-hand" are considered at the time of any reversal. If you plan on changing item settings due to a setup issue, it's best to reverse any transaction involving the item before the change is made to settings.

Average Cost is recalculated when reversing a sale, but not when reversing a credit sale (return). As a rule, average cost is only adjusted when the on-hand increases for an item. Decreases to on-hand don't trigger adjustments to the average cost.

Once a reversal has completed processing, neither the reversal transaction nor the original transaction will be eligible for future reversal. In other words, a reversal cannot be reversed, and a previously reversed transaction cannot be reversed again.

Reversals of transactions involving items with "quantity expiration" type contract pricing do update the sold quantities on the contract; however, if the contract has passed the expiration date by the time the reversal is done, the contract price will not be available.

An error message is provided if the reversal transaction involves an item that no longer exists due to a merge or re-name.

Attachments from a reversed transaction don't become associated with the reversal document. They do remain associated with the original document only.

Document notes or any other text that would normally appear below the "sold to" and "ship to" address areas on a document are replaced with text referring to the original and reversing document. This occurs on both the original document and the reversal. The original text, if any, will not be accessible through the document viewer after reversal.

Reversal Notes

Reversal Notes

Reversals use as much of the original transaction's information as possible for processing. The original transaction's sales tax, both the rate and code, will be used for the reversal even if the tax rate or customer's assigned tax location has been modified since the original document was processed.

Transactions processed from a mobile ticket can be reversed; however, reversing the transaction does not re-open the mobile ticket. Mobile tickets may only be processed once.

Rental Transactions may not be reversed.

Reversals and Receivables

When reversing a sale made to a customer your company maintains receivables for, reversals create a credit memo for the customer. This credit memo immediately affects the customer's available credit; however, credits (including reversals) must be applied using the Posting activity before they affect aging balances, and in the case of open-item customers, before closing any unpaid invoices.

During posting, a reversal of a charge sale for an open-item account will automatically attempt to apply the credit memo to the original transaction that had been reversed; however, this only occurs if the item has not previously been paid.

Reversals and Card Processing

The application will attempt to void a card transaction automatically using the token associated with the original card transaction.

Voiding is different from "crediting" a card. Usually, a void must be performed before settlement (the same day, minutes, or within a few hours, as determined by your processor). An error (denied) status will be returned once it's no longer possible to void a card. Voiding typically results in no transaction fees for your company; however, the customer's card may show a "hold" on the original transaction amount for a day or two until the hold is cleared. The hold will reduce the customer's available credit during this time period.

Debit card transactions cannot be voided.

When attempting to void a card payment, additional forms are shown indicating that the card transaction is being voided and to report the status of the request. No signature pad is required for transactions with an original transaction token (TSYS Cayan, Verifone Point, and Verifone PAYware Connect).

Initial Message Indicating Card Reversal

Initial Message Indicating Card Reversal

As soon as the user chooses Process (F12), two (2) messages are displayed. The first message indicates that the attempt to authorize the bankcard void is being done. The second message indicates the success or failure of the attempt. In the case of a successful card void, both messages are displayed briefly and no response is required.



In the event of a failure, the second message would indicate the reason for the failure ("INVALID EXPIRATION DATE," for example), and in this case, the user must choose the "cancel" button to continue and additional prompts and information are then provided (see below).

In addition to the two card processing messages, a final confirmation is provided. This would also indicate any type of failure voiding the card transaction and also requires a response by the user.


After choosing "OK," additional details regarding the card are provided. In this case, you have two (2) possible alternatives. One option is to attempt to void the card transaction via your merchant's on-line portal (if successful, you would typically then reverse the invoice in the software as well). The other option is to manually reverse the sale/credit from the Sales transaction in Point of Sale using the customer's card. Reversals are different from a "void," and typically do result in a transaction fee by the processor. When reversing (not voiding) a card transaction via Point of Sale as a return (credit sale), the original card can be credited without the card being present if you are specifying the original invoice during processing of the return. This feature is available with TSYS Cayan, Verifone Point, and Verifone PAYware Connect. Please check with support if your interface isn't listed.


Anytime a void can't be done, the reversal can also be aborted (canceled). This is done by choosing the "Cancel" button at the "Bank Card Cannot be Credited" prompt. If the user chooses "Cancel," nothing is done to reverse the invoice (or credit) document.