Overrides (Job)

Overrides (ALT-O) display current account settings along with a selection area (check boxes) allowing the user to choose which account settings they want to also use with the job (or change). When an account setting is not used, the job settings (to the right) are used in their place (job settings override the account's settings with the exception of credit limit... if the job's is higher than the account's). Blanks may appear under the heading "master settings" when no setting has been designated for the account (many are optional).



There are five (5) job status codes that determine the job's activity level or credit standing; these are: active, inactive, hold, disabled, and closed. We suggest that companies never modify the status for the primary (zero) job linked to the system "CASH" account. This account is used as a default in some cases for transactions and can produce "on hold" warnings or other issues with Point of Sale processing if modified improperly or removed. If the customer uses the RockSolid MAX ProLink app, only jobs that are either "active" or "inactive" will be available for selection and use.

Active and Inactive

The codes "active" and "inactive" are classifications that don't perform any special function other than for reporting. Most jobs that are in good standing and being used on a regular basis are going to be "active." Accounts that may have been in good standing but haven't been used for a while might be labeled as "inactive," for example. A monthly procedure runs and compares the inactivity months parameter for customers to the dollar sales totals for the period. Previously active accounts and/or jobs that have no sales activity for the "inactivity" period are automatically updated to a status of "inactive" at this time. The status of an "inactive" account or job will be updated automatically to "active" when sales totals are updated for transactions involving the account or job. No other status types are automatically set or modified.


A job with "hold" status is included in selection listings and allows selection for Point of Sale transactions; however, a warning is produced. Statements are still generated and printed for hold accounts. These customers will be assessed finance charges on outstanding balances. Balances will be aged the same as active and inactive accounts. Hold may be used in combination with credit override to block an account from charging. The "hold" status is intended more as a way to warn the sales clerk that there is an issue with the customer's account before they begin the transaction.


Jobs that are "disabled" stay on the system, but don't appear in selection listings or reports. To maintain links in documents and other data, accounts may not be deleted once added. Disabling an account is, therefore, a replacement for deleting. This option might be used in cases where an account is inactive for an extended period of time, or if a new account is set up to replace an existing one (marking the original account as disabled so that it's no longer used). Quotes for a disabled job no longer allow selection ordering or invoicing in Point of Sale transactions.


Closing a job essentially prevents use of the job and freezes all receivables activity for the job (if the account is job billed). Closing jobs does not prevent the application from producing statements. Statement documents are generated regardless of activity for most accounts; however, the statement activity setting (“Print Zero Statement”) for the account is considered when determining whether to deliver (Print/Email) that statement to a customer. When the account is job billed, closed jobs are not assessed new finance charges and their account balances are not aged. Documents linked with a closed job will not allow selection or invoicing at Point of Sale (Orders, Quotes, etc.).

Important! Because closed accounts are not aged, we strongly suggest that users not mark any account as closed if there has been activity in the current billing period. If there has been activity, such as a balance adjustment (to write off the account, for example), wait until after the next cycle period begins before closing the account. Otherwise, the current activity won't be reflected properly on reports such as the trial balance, for example. It's ok to temporarily disable the account so that it isn't used in the meantime.

For more information about how account statuses are used in various areas, refer to the sub-topic "customer status."


This field is used to set the sales person "assigned" to this account. Assigning sales people is primarily done for the purposes of calculating commissions (if done).

Tax Location

A tax location assigned to an account is used for sales designated as tax exempt or to a business in a development zone ("Empire"zone). If the tax location is designated as "always exempt," the tax location is used regardless of delivery status. In the case of a delivery (only), tax locations assigned directly to a zip code may override the job location if the job's tax location isn't exempt (zero percentage) and there's no tax exempt ID entered on the process form. Tax locations are required (either for the job specifically or to use the master account's tax location).

Exempt #

If the account has a tax exempt ID number, enter it here. It may also be a good idea to attach a scanned copy of the customer's tax exempt form to the account for easy reference. The tax exempt ID/# will be automatically used for all Point of Sale transactions involving sales tax. Having a tax exempt ID associated with the transaction automatically forces the calculated sales tax amount to zero and classifies the transaction as an "exempt sale" (regardless of the tax rate assigned to the tax location).

Sale Prices

Sale pricing can be either enabled (Y) or disabled (N) for customers. Accounts may have statement or other discounts, so a company may decide not to honor sale pricing when other special pricing arrangements have been agreed upon. If this field is set to N (no), items the customer purchases will not be sold using sale prices. In this case, the customer's regular pricing will be used. If Y (yes), items will be sold and discounted (if applicable) using the item's sale pricing (if any).


This setting determines when a credit override should be required. Credit overrides consist of a prompt requiring entry of a password before processing can be completed. Regardless of the job's settings pertaining to credit overrides, the account settings are considered before any job settings. For more information about how credit overrides function, please click here.

PO Req'd (Required)

This refers to a purchase order (PO) that the customer supplies. Some customers may require a purchase order be associated with any purchases their employees make on their behalf. If the customer requires a PO for their purchases set this field to a Y (yes).

PO Number

A customer may use a single purchase order (PO) for their account or for specific jobs. Use this field to assign a specific PO number to all sales for the account if applicable to this customer. The customer's PO number will be printed on relevant documents. Emails originating with most Point of Sale transactions now include the customer's PO number in the message notes and/or subject (depending on the transaction). The maximum length for the customer's PO number has been increased from 12 to 20-characters.

Account Dependent Settings

The following Job settings only appear in certain cases. These are shown only when applicable based upon the settings for the main account.

Finance Terms

This job setting is provided only when the "master" account is designated for "job" level billing. In this case, each job maintains its own balances, discounts, and finance charges, and more or less operates independently (similar to an account). This setting is not shown if the main account is set to "account" level billing. In this latter case, jobs do not maintain balances or assess finance charges independently.

If you want this job to use consider past due periods differently from the account, clear the "Use Master Setting" check box to the left of this drop down and choose a past due period from the list. The past due period you select will be used to determine the most recent past due period to be considered when finance charges are assessed on this job's balances. For example, if you select "60+ Days," unpaid balances or open items must be aged at least twice before being considered eligible for finance charges. Finance charges are assessed before balances/items are aged, so until the job has a 60-day balance, no finance charges would be added in the case of our example. Choices include the 4 past due periods which are described as "30+ Days," "60+ Days," "90+ Days," and "120+ Days."

Finance Charge %

This job setting is also only provided when the "master" account is designated for "job" level billing. In this case, each job maintains its own balances, discounts, and finance charges, and more or less operates independently (similar to an account). This setting is not shown if the main account is set to "account" level billing. In this latter case, jobs do not maintain balances or assess finance charges independently.

If you want this job to use a finance charge percentage (%) that is different from the job's linked account, clear the "Use Master Setting" check box to the left of this drop down and specify the percentage in the text area provided. Whole percentages should be entered as whole numbers, not the decimal equivalent of the percentage. For example, if you enter .01, it is not the same as 1%, but is equivalent to 1/100 of 1%. To designate a two-and-a-half percent (2.5%) discount, you would enter 2.5 (not .025) in the text area.

POS Default Adjustment Code (POS Defl Adj Code)

Just as an account can be associated with a default adjustment code for Point of Sale, so can a job. Both cannot be used concurrently, however. If you want this job to automatically associate an adjustment code with transactions and that adjustment will be different from any adjustment linked with the main account, clear the "Use Master Setting" check box to the left of this drop down and choose the desired adjustment code from the drop down.