Purchasing Reports

The Purchasing area offers the following reports related to purchasing and receiving: purchase orders listing, inventory receipts, vendor quotes, item status, and a vendor listing. The "custom library" opens a designated folder (directory) location that can be populated with ActiveReport® report files.

Purchase Orders

Provides the ability to produce a listing of Purchase Order documents with optional item details.

Inventory Receipts

Provides the ability to produce a listing of Inventory Receipt documents with optional item details.

Item Status

Provides a listing of items associated with purchase orders and includes information regarding the current status of the ordered items.

Vendor Lists

This report produces a listing of vendors as well as the contact(s) information for the vendors.

Custom Library (PO)

Opens the directory (folder) specified for custom reports library for the current user and lists the ActiveReports® residing in the folder with a prefix of "PO."

Additional custom reports are available for free from the Customer Portal. To access this portal, click this link to log in or sign up for an account.