ProLink is a browser or app developed for use by your customers offering account status, shopping cart style ordering, and document access. This tab is reserved for ProLink settings. The tab is hidden on the system "CASH" account since that account is used for product support and ProLink submissions.

ProLink Enabled
Checking the "ProLink Enabled" check box will activate ProLink for the account and send the primary contact an Email (using the address designated) with their password.
Email Address
If ProLink is enabled for the account, an Email address is required so that the customer can receive their account information for using ProLink. An error will appear if no Email is specified. The Email specified will be considered the account admin user and will have access to account information as well as shopping capability. This user can create additional non-admin users who only have access to Home, Shop (or Products), Cart (if enabled), Stores, and Terms & Conditions within ProLink.