Build Units
This utility provides the ability to allocate existing stock (inventory) to a new Unit. This is identical to the process involved when receiving a "unit" as part of a purchase; however, the stock is allocated from the existing on-hand quantities for the involved items. For single-item units, this would be the unallocated on-hand for the "base" SKU (the quantity on-hand less any already allocated to existing units). For fixed-length units, this would be also true, but would be applied to the child or member items rather than the "base" SKU which wouldn't have an on-hand value itself. Building a unit does not change on-hand for the unit or member items; it only affects whether the on-hand is allocated to units.

Build Units (Utility)
Select a base unit SKU using the "Base Item" control then choose the "Build" button. This opens a dialog where you can allocate the quantities to the unit.
Important! As soon as you choose "Accept" from the Unit Definition dialog, the unit will be created and on-hand quantities allocated. On-hand is not reduced, only allocated to the unit. If you accidentally create a unit, you can use the "Unit Item Tally" utility to break the unit and remove those quantities from the unit allocation. If you see a "unit" in the data grid, it has been added. Closing the form or choosing Exit (F10) won't undo or remove the unit. |