Category Mapping Utility
Using the Category Mapping utility you can associate group and section codes with a vendor’s classification codes (department, class, and fine-line) to update inventory items to match the mappings you designate.
Using Category Mapping
The Category Mapping feature must be enabled by an Implementation or Support Specialist. Once enabled, "Category Mapping" is found in Inventory > Utilities > Maintenance > Category Mapping.
Using % as a wild card character: You can use the % character as a character substitute in the Department, Class, and or Fineline fields. Please note that when you use a wild card character, the application cannot account for potential overlaps.
Viewing Catalog Images
When the catalog has an associated image, you can double-click the image in the folder to view it full size. Full size images display in a separate window. You can close that window either by selecting the Escape (Esc) key (on your keyboard) or by double-clicking the image you opened. Expand the window to full size by double-clicking the title bar (the top area of the window). Double-click it again to minimize the window.
Adding All Categories from the Vendor Catalog
1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory > Utilities > Maintenance > Category Mapping to display the Category Mapping form.
2. Select the vendor name from the Vendor list.
This needs to be a vendor with an associated catalog in Purchasing > Vendor EDI.
If this is the first time you use "Category Mapping", a prompt appears, asking if you wish to add all categories from the vendor catalog.
If you have used this utility previously, the mapping saved will show in the grid, but you can use the Menu Marker
to add all items from the vendor. The Menu Marker also allows you to delete all items in the list, delete selected items, clear all items, delete unmapped items, assign selected items and delete duplicate items.
The grid populates with the department, class, and fineline mappings for this vendor, except the "Group/Section" and "Delete" columns.
3. Enter the designated Group/Section for each item by selecting the field. You may either type in the Group/Selection or select it from the drop-down field (for example 99/99, where the first number represents the group and the second one the selection).
4. Click Process (F12) to save changes and update the Inventory item group/section as mapped.
You can also come back at a later and continue working on the mapping.
Using the Import Wizard (F2)
You can also use the Import Wizard to import Group/Section mapping you may have already entered in a spreadsheet. Please note that the file selected must be located on your local computer.
1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory > Utilities > Maintenance > Category Mapping to display the Category Mapping form.
2. From the Vendor list, choose the name of the vendor.
3. Choose the Import (F2) option to display the Import Wizard.
4. In the Windows File field, choose the Ellipsis button and navigate to the file you want to import.
5. Select the file from the list and click Open.
6. In the Sheet list, choose the sheet you want to import. The Preview Data grid should update to show the sheet entries, or you can click the Preview button.
7. After the data grid updates, review the entries in the grid and choose the column number that matches the expected data in the Vendor, Department, Class, Fineline, Group, and Section lists.
In this example, F1 represents the Vendor, F2 represents the Department, etc.
All fields in Category Mapping are now be filled out with the F5/F6 columns above combined into one Group/Section column.
Note: If the header row is showing in the data grid as it is in our example above, delete it by right-clicking the row and selecting Delete. This prevents the file reading errors that would occur when you import the file.
8. When the data displays as you like it, (and you have deleted the header row if it is there), choose the Process button.
9. When the updated data displays in the Category Maintenance form, choose Process (F12) to update the entries. The applications saves the entries and updates the Group/Section mapping entries base on the imported information.
10. After you import the catalog, we recommend you navigate to Item Maintenance and verify that the group/section mapping was successful by checking a few random items.