Code Definitions > Product ID
Product ID provides another classification and selection tool for items. This tab allows your company to define your own custom product IDs. Once defined, you can assign these product IDs to items and use the ID for selection in any Item drop down field. The same ID may be assigned to multiple items. Product IDs are assigned to items from the Common, Codes tab in Item Maintenance.

Code Definitions: Product ID
Do it Best® members may use the Product ID field in Item Maintenance to assign a Do it Best product group to items. A table of Do it Best departments, categories, sub-categories, and groups can be populated via EDI processing. Once populated the Do it Best information can be used to assign product groups to items and for selection at Point of Sale. The Do it Best product information is maintained independently from Code Definitions. This form is only used for defining custom product IDs. Only one ID may be assigned to any given item; however, you can assign either a custom product ID or the Do it Best product group (when applicable).