Document Viewer
The Document Viewer form displays documents and reports generated and stored in the application. The Viewer provides access to document links and attachments when present. Some documents have multiple "styles" or formats that can change the appearance and information presented on the document. You can modify the document style using the alternate mouse menu (usually a right-click) in the Viewer window.
This option opens a sliding panel on the left-hand side of the Viewer to display document links. Document links only apply to documents, not reports; however, some reports do have links to documents embedded within them.
Links use a "tree" control that is comprised of nodes that may "branch" off the tree. When a document listed in the tree has links, the node for that document displays either a "+" or "-" next to the node. The "+" means the node has child nodes that are not being shown. The "-" indicates that the child nodes are currently displayed (visible). Clicking the "+" or "-" toggles the display and either shows or hides the child nodes (document links). As documents are viewed, the new documents links are displayed in addition to any previous documents links that were selected.
Hovering over a document link displays a "tool tip" listing the document's description and type. Clicking the document ID or description results in that document being displayed in the Viewer.
Attach (Attachments)
The Viewer's attachment button is only enabled when the current document has attachments. In these cases, the attachment icon is also displayed. Attachments only apply to documents, not reports.
Choosing the "Attach" button displays the "Attachment Maintenance" dialog that allows a user to view the attachment. Changes to the attachments listed are not allowed. New attachments can be added using the Attach (F5) function from the Documents form, Attachment Maintenance (Main Menu, Maintenance, Utilities), or from transactions supporting attachments.
Changing the Document Style
Some document types have multiple styles. You can view these styles by right-clicking the mouse while on the document and selecting the Format option in the list (shown in the screen shot at the beginning of this topic. The following table lists all document formats currently available. All other document types currently offer a default format only. Here are a few quick points about document styles in general:
✓Styles are assigned by printer in the Devices database (Maintenance, Database).
✓Default Styles are meant to be the standard and most commonly used format.
✓File copies tend to include information that would not normally be shown to customers (such as item costs and profit information).
✓Dispatch versions relate to documents with delivery status (dates, etc.).
✓Yard copies only list items assigned to Yard Codes.
✓The Remaining style used for Point of Sale documents lists ALL unsold items.
✓The Backorder version for Point of Sale documents only includes items that were specifically designated for backorder during invoicing.*
*There are different types of backorders: "ordered vs. sold" is used in Point of Sale and "ordered vs. received" is used with Purchasing. "Remaining" styles are similar to a backorder.
Document |
Style Formats |
PS Invoices |
1. |
Default (Invoice) |
2. |
File Copy (Includes Costs) |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
Mail* |
12. |
13. |
Mail Memo* |
14. |
15. |
16. |
17. |
18. |
PS Orders |
0. |
Order (Default) |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
File Copy (Includes Costs) |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
PS Quotes |
0. |
Quote (Default) |
1. |
File Copy (Includes Costs) |
2. |
Quote Savings |
PS Open Tickets |
0. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
PS Charge Returns |
1. |
Default (Invoice) |
2. |
File Copy (Includes Costs) |
3. |
Mail* |
PS Installed Sale |
1. |
2. |
Store Copy (Analysis) |
3. |
PO Inventory Receipts |
1. |
2. |
3. |
PO Purchase Orders |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
AR Posting |
1. |
Detail |
2. |
Summary (Default) |
AP Billing Invoice |
1. |
2. |
Summary (Default) |
AP Vendor Credit |
1. |
2. |
Summary (Default) |
GL Journal |
1. |
Detail |
2. |
Summary (Default) |
*Mail formats can be used for printed documents that will be folded and mailed using a windowed envelope. In this case, the delivery and sold-to addresses are printed one above the other so that either may be used.
Document Viewer ToolbarThe following table lists icons and options used on the Document Viewer toolbar and explains what they do: