Setting Up a Moneris Device on a Station

After the Moneris parameters have been enabled and the settings configured for the branch location and you've received your devices (Moneris configured Ingenico IPP320 or the Verifone P400), you can begin associating those devices with stations in the application. As Moneris prepares to replace the Ingenico IPP320 device with the Verifone P400, we have worked to ensure that these processes stay in sync so you can use both devices until the replacement process is complete.

This is done from the Device Maintenance form available from the Main Menu by choosing Maintenance > Database > Devices.


With all card interfaces, a one-to-one relationship is required between the payment entry device (PED) and the station configured in the software. In addition, we strongly suggest that stations configured with card devices only permit one user session. Attempts by multiple software sessions or other stations to access the same pad device can cause unwanted behavior and results.

Device Settings - Assigning a Static Network Address

A unique static IP address must be assigned to each Moneris IPP320 device. The term "static" refers to an IP address that won't change if the device or network is reset. "Dynamic" (DHCP) addresses can change any time the device or network connections are refreshed. You will need to know the IP address to continue to the next steps.

What IP Address Should I Use?

IP addresses must be different for each network device you connect. Connecting devices with the same address can cause network slowness and other problems, so it's important to make sure the address you assign is

  • (1) in the "static" range for your network and

  • (2) not being used by another device on the same network.

For our hosted customers, network devices often require a hardware VPN (Virtual Private Network) device to connect to the cloud hosted servers. In these cases, the addresses used by your company's network may or may not be available, so we may need to assign special addresses for their use or we may use NAT (Network Address Translation) to convert your local address to one that's available in the hosted network environment.

A network generally will have a defined range of addresses assigned for static use and another reserved for dynamic (DHCP) connections for devices that don't require a specific address. The only way to tell your static address range, if you don't already know it, is to log into your router (using a browser) and check the settings. This usually (should) requires a user name and password. You'll need to know the IP address of your router (the gateway).

Once you have determined the range of static addresses, check to make sure the address is not already in use. While all network devices are on and connected, you can use the "ping" command from the command prompt in Windows to test connectivity for various addresses. When you find an address in the "static" range that does not respond to the ping, it is likely available. It's a good idea to keep a written record or chart of your company's network for reference to make this process easier.


In the example above, the "Destination host unreachable" message indicates that the address is likely available (or, it is not connected currently).

Other information you'll need.

In addition to identifying an IP address, you'll need your network subnet mask (, for example), gateway address, and two DNS (Dynamic Name Server) addresses. These are typically the same for all devices on your network. The easiest way to find this information is to run the ipconfig /all command from the command prompt on a connected network computer.

For our cloud-hosted customers, some of this information will be provided to you.

Viewing the IP Address on the Ingenico IPP320

From the "WELCOME/BONJOUR" screen, press the F2 button followed by the F3 key.

Rebooting the Ingenico IPP320

To manually reboot the device, press and hold the YELLOW and symbol (.,#*) keys at the same time then release.

Accessing Ingenico IPP320 Setup after Initial Configuration

Reboot the device. On the final screen before the "WELCOME/BONJOUR" is displayed press the RED button and release followed by the GREEN button.

Setting the IP Address on the Ingenico IPP320 Moneris Device

The following instructions indicate how to set the IP address on an Ingenico IPP320 device. To navigate the menus, you will use the four buttons immediately below the display labeled F1-F4 as well as the GREEN button which acts as Enter/Select. F2 (up) and F3 (down) are used to navigate between vertical menus and F1 (left) and F4 (right) are used for selecting from horizontal selections such as language.

1.If your Moneris devices is already on, unplug the power cord and then plug the device back in.

2.At the "Version Information Screen," press the RED button, followed by the GREEN button.

3.At the "Language" screen, choose "ENG" for English to follow these instructions.

4.At the "Mode" menu, three (3) options are listed: SPT, HYBRID, and PCI.

5.Use the F2 (down) key to highlight the PCI selection and press the GREEN button on the device.

6.At the ETHERNET IP TYPE menu, two (2) options are listed: STATIC and DYNAMIC.

Ethernet IP Type (Ingenico IPP320)

Ethernet IP Type (Ingenico IPP320)

7.Choose STATIC by pressing the F1 key (the button below the display on the left-hand side of the device).

8.The prompt ENTER TERMINAL IP ADDRESS will display. Use the numeric keypad on the device to enter the IP (IPV4) address. The lower right-hand button labeled ". , # *" is used for the three (3) period (dot) separators between address number segments.

9.Press the GREEN button to continue.

10.Next, a prompt ENTER TERMINAL SUBNET MASK is shown. This would be the same for all devices on your network. Use the numeric keypad on the device to enter the IP (IPV4) address. The lower right-hand button labeled ". , # *" is used for the three (3) period (dot) separators between subnet number segments.

11.Press the GREEN button to continue.

12.At the prompt, ENTER TERMINAL DEFAULT GATEWAY, enter the gateway address for your network.Use the numeric keypad on the device to enter the IP (IPV4) address. The lower right-hand button labeled ". , # *" is used for the three (3) period (dot) separators between address number segments.

13.Press the GREEN button to continue.

14.At the prompt, IP HOST SETUP, select PRODUCTION (unless you are a test system then choose TEST).

15.Press the GREEN button to continue.

16.A second selection for IP HOST SETUP will appear, select PUBLIC and press the GREEN button.

17.Next, the IP HOST SETUP offers four (4) selections: IPG1, IPG2, IPG3. These represent different Moneris end-point servers.

18.Choose a selection of IPG1 and press the GREEN button to continue.

19.The next two (2) prompts are for the network's DNS (Dynamic Name Server). These servers provide a link between "names" and IP addresses currently assigned to network. There is usually a primary and secondary DNS address.

20.Press the GREEN button to continue after each DNS address.

21.At the ENTER IP CONFIG RETRY PERIOD prompt, accept the default value of 10.

22.Press the GREEN button to continue.

23.At the ENTER HOST CONNECT TIMEOUT prompt, leave the timeout at the default value of 20.

24.Press the GREEN button to continue.

25.The device will display the numeric TERMINAL ID. Write this value down.

26.Press the GREEN button to continue.

27.The device will display the PED SERIAL NUMBER. This number should already be listed on a label on the terminal; however, if not, write it down.

28.Press the GREEN button to continue.

29.The message TERMINAL WILL BE REBOOTED... will appear and the device will reset itself.

The IP address is now set and the device can be assigned to a Station device in the software (continue reading).

Assigning a Moneris Device to a Station

Assigning a device to a station requires administrative permissions.

To assign a card device (PED) to a station:

1. From the Main Menu, choose Maintenance > Database > Devices. The Device Maintenance form displays.

2. From the Device Name list, select the station you want to assign the Moneris device to.

3. Select the Card Pad check box.

4. From the Type list, choose Moneris.The Moneris Device Settings box displays. 

When you use a VPN rather than the Remote Client process to connect to the device, the process is the same. Make sure the Remote Client settings in the lower left corner of this form are disabled for VPN connected devices.

5. Complete the Moneris Device settings:

  • Device Type
    Choose IPP320 or Verifone P400 in this field to describe the device.

  • IP Address
    Enter the IPV4 address of the signature device int his field. (See What IP Address Should I Use).
    Note:  Only networked devices are supported (USB and serial device connections are not supported).

  • Port
    Leave 1 in this field.

  • ECR ID
    Enter the ECR ID for this device provided by Moneris. This should appear on a label on the device itself.

6. In the Device Options section, select the check box beside each option that is appropriate for your business.

  • Gift Card
    Select this check box to enable Moneris gift cards.
    Note: Enter the unique transaction identifier ID in the Gift Card TID field. The gift card TID number is specific to the ECR ID number and is unique to the Moneris Pad. This is required for processing Moneris gift cards.

  • MOTO
    Select this check box to process Mail Order - Telephone Order transactions when the credit/debit card is not present during the transaction.

7. In the Remote Commands section, choose the appropriate button, based on the circumstances.

  • If this is the first time you are enabling this device, choose the Initialize button.
    If you are adding a new device, the Initialize Device prompt displays automatically.

    Choose Yes to begin the process. When the process completes successfully, the message, Terminal Initialization Succeeded displays.

  • If you need to reset this device, choose the Reboot button.

  • If you do not have the PED Code, choose the Download PED Code button.

8. When the settings are complete choose OK and Accept.

9. When the settings are initialized or you need to save them without initializing them, choose Process (F12) from the Devices form.

10. Log the station off of the application and log on again to load the new settings.

Please note: if this process fails, increase your Moneris settings time-out value. The Moneris merchant parameters for each branch should be set to 180 seconds (3 minutes) to accommodate the initialization time.

See Also:

Setting up Moneris Gift Cards