Remittance - Card Type
Card Type
If the card types (parameter) allowed for Point of Sale includes additional types that are not accepted for your card interface's processing, a drop down is provided that allows selection of a card type. For example, your company may define and use a Point of Sale card type for ACH payments that are done independently from any card processing on the pad. Selection of a card type that is not enabled for use with card processing will bypass the signature pad device. In cases where the list of valid Point of Sale card types matches those used with card processing, no drop down will be shown.

Card Type Selection at Point of Sale
Parameters are used to determine which card types your card interface accepts vs. which card types you want available for use at Point of Sale. Card types enabled for card processing must also be enabled for Point of Sale; however, you can have card types enabled for Point of Sale that are not handled by the card interface. Card types for your card interface (if any) are enabled on the Software tab in Parameters (Maintenance, Database) and can only be modified by support personnel.