True Value® Rewards
True Value® Rewards is a loyalty program operated by True Value Company that offers points based on purchases, coupons, and promotions to its members. Once enrolled in the program, a dealer should contact support to enable True Value Rewards. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) with True Value is a prerequisite for implementing True Value Rewards. Customers who become True Value Rewards members receive a card and number. Dealers can decide when and if they want to prompt customers for their rewards card at Point of Sale and rewards card holders can also be linked with customer accounts to automatically associate their rewards ID with purchases. Features described in this section are currently only available with release 12 (expected release date of January 2017) and later.
Whether or not the True Value Rewards prompt appears during Sale entry is determined by the "timing" assigned from the True Value Rewards EDI Settings dialog which is accessed from the Branch Setup maintenance form's EDI settings tab (choose "True Value Rewards" from the context menu ). Choices include both, beginning, end, and never. As long as True Value Rewards is enabled, users can always manually open the dialog using the CTRL-R key combination (hold the control key down, press the "R" key, and then release both). CTRL-R can be used even if the transaction is already associated with a reward account.

•Both - Prompts at the beginning of the transaction (before customer selection) and if no rewards ID has been indicated, it will prompt again at the end (when the Process (F12) form is shown).
•Beginning - Only prompts at the beginning of a Sales transaction.
•End - Only prompts once the cashier selects Process (F12) if no rewards ID has been indicated.
•Never - Never prompts automatically; however, users can still use CTRL-R to open the dialog.
True Value® Rewards
There are three (3) options for associating a customer's True Value rewards membership with a Sales transaction in Point of Sale:
1.Use the True Value Rewards Dialog (may be automatically displayed).
2.Select an Account by name that's already associated with a reward's membership.
3.Scan the rewards card from the "name" control in the Sales transaction.*
*This will either result in selection of an account linked to the membership, or if there is no membership linked to the rewards ID, the ID will be associated with the transaction using the default system account (usually "CASH").
This dialog method also offers the ability to look-up, enroll, or update member information. Additionally, it may also be used for account selection from the Account Maintenance and Inquiry forms. Your company determines the timing of this dialog using choices that include: beginning, end, both, or never. A customer's reward's membership may be linked with an account record. For cases where the dialog is not used at the beginning of a transaction, scanning the membership card prior to account selection will automatically select the linked customer account (if any).
As long as True Value rewards is enabled, users can always use CTRL-R to display the dialog as long as no rewards ID is already associated with the transaction. Rewards members are assigned a 10-digit ID number and usually receive a card when they enroll.

During normal card entry (not look-up), no validation of the card against the national database is done. Invalid card numbers will still be associated with the transaction and transmitted with any data sent to True Value. When a card is scanned or entered, the card number does query your company's local member data to see if any accounts are associated with the number. Updating of member information is only permitted when the entered card number matches the following criteria:
•The card is the proper length (10-digits).
•The card number begins with 3, 4, 5, or 6.
If a card does not meet this criteria for some reason, the update button on the True Value Rewards dialog won't be enabled. This won't stop the card from being used, however.
As part of enrollment, a True Value Rewards membership can be linked with a new or existing customer account. Once a membership is linked to an account, cashiers may receive a prompt about using the associated account after they scan or enter the rewards card for a sale transaction.

Answer "Yes" to change the account for the Sale transaction, or "No" to continue without changing the account linked with the transaction. The rewards ID will be associated with the transaction in either case.
The look-up feature provides the ability to search the national database and locate a card holder by one of three (3) methods: telephone number (10-digit), Email address, or last name and 5-digit ZIP code. If one or more matches are found, a listing of the person's reward's number (ID), first name, and partial street address are provided for selection.

If results aren't found, a dialog is presented displaying the message "No results found. Search using different criteria or enroll the customer." Additional validation messages can appear due to invalid values for phone numbers, ZIP codes, etc.
Otherwise, if the search produces results, and the number of results are equal to or more than 48, an additional prompt appears and only the first 48 are displayed (after you click "OK" in response to the dialog). No prompt appears in cases where the count is less than 48.

Once the results are displayed, select a row and then click the OK (ALT-O) button. Should a user select multiple rows, only the first (1st) row will be used. The customer's Rewards ID will be displayed below the "Account" in a Sales transaction.
![]() Rewards ID shown during a Sale |
![]() Rewards ID in Account Maintenance/Inquiry |
Enrolling a new customer allows the cashier to either associate an existing customer account with a reward's membership or create a new cash-only customer account and master job (0) record linked to the reward's ID. The customer's reward's membership can be associated with a specific card number or be done as a "cardless" enrollment where a number is automatically generated. "Carded" entry would be used in cases where a new True Value Rewards card is being scanned at Point of Sale for the customer's use.

Mandatory (required) fields are indicated by a red asterisk (*). Fields maintained with your local card holder data and don't change the associated account are the first name, last name, country code, Email address, and birth month fields. All remaining fields do update the associated customer account and master job (0) if changes are made. Contacts for the account are not updated automatically. This is intentional since a customer may want a different Email for rewards communication vs. other activity (invoice and other communication, for example).
The "New" button provides the option to generate a new account number automatically, but is only shown if account numbering parameters have been set. If the customer already has an account, you would associate the rewards card with that account instead. The format of the generated number can be customized. Settings for this are found on the Receivables tab of the Parameters form. This functions the same as the "new" button available in Account Maintenance and on Process (F12) forms. The account is not created until the cashier clicks or selects the "Save" button on the dialog. "Cancel" will not create an account and returns the cashier to the prior True Value Rewards dialog form.
Whether a new account is created, or an existing account is associated with a reward's membership, a prompt will appear after closing the dialogs asking the cashier if they want to change to the account linked with the reward's number. If they choose "yes," the account will be set to the linked account and the rewards ID displayed.
A tax location is necessary for adding a new cash-only customer account and is not a requirement of True Value nor is it transmitted to them.
The "update" button on the initial True Value Rewards dialog can be used to update both your local account and rewards card data as long as the card number is (a) linked to an existing Spruce account, (b) the required length (10-digits) and (c) begins with a valid digit (3, 4, 5, and 6); otherwise, the "update" button is disabled. Mandatory (required) fields are indicated by a red asterisk (*). Fields maintained with your local card holder data and don't change the associated account are the first name, last name, country code, Email address, and birth month fields. All remaining fields do update the associated customer account and master job (0) if changes are made. Contacts for the account are not updated automatically. This is intentional since a customer may want a different Email for rewards communication vs. other activity (invoice and other communication, for example).

For accounts that are already associated with a loyalty membership, you can use CTRL-R to show the dialog and update the account.