Print (Customer Orders)

Use the "Print" tab (ALT-P) to set the print options for an order you are processing. Printing is optional and not tied to updating, so even you don't print the order document or save it as a file, the application still creates a document that you can view or print later. The document created by Customer Order processing is a PS Customer Orders document.

Print Options

You can specify one or more printers for printing the order. Printers may be configured to print multiple copies, use particular trays, or print in a specific document style formats. These software settings are used when printing to the selected device and using the Printer Default format. Printing parameters are determined by the printer's device settings (Maintenance > Database > Devices > Printer button).

For either printer, there are some settings the user can control from the Print tab. Item pricing and inclusion of any notes are optional, for example. These can be set the same or differently for each of the two (2) printers.


These are the format selections available with orders:

The Printer Default, prints one or more copies of the document based upon the selections assigned to the printer device. Each printer can be assigned up to 3 selections for each document type (each of these 3 selections can be assigned a printer tray, style, and number of copies).

Order Copy prints a copy of the order based on the default customer order document.

Saving an Order Document as a Local File

You can save the order document file locally (on the user's PC) in addition to printing the order document.

To save an order document locally:

1. In the Save In field, click the Ellipsis button and navigate to the location on the local computer to which you want to save the file.

2. In the Filename field, type the name you want to use to save the file.

3. Check the Output to File check box.

4. When you are ready to process the order, choose Finish (F12). This also saves the file using the name you specified to the local computer.

It is not necessary to assign a file extension (suffix) to the file, the application adds the PDF extension for you. Changing a file's extension may cause it to no longer be accessible. Files are saved in a PDF format by default.

Using a DYMO Printer

If the station has a DYMO® LabelWriter® 550 Turbo printer installed, you can print barcoded labels for attachment to external documents. Labels are printed using the document number of the transaction being processed. You can attach the label to outside documents so that you can scan them in the Document viewer to bring up the associated document later. Currently, labels may be printed for the following Point of Sale transactions: Sales, Orders, Quotes, and Open Tickets. You can also print labels when you process Purchase Orders, Inventory Receipts, and Payables Billing. You can use the Documents form to print a barcode label for most documents. If you want or need to print labels for a document type that does not currently support it, please contact us to request a code change.

When you have configured a label printer for the user's station (Maintenance > Database > Devices), the process form's Print (ALT-P) tab displays two additional fields relevant to label printing. If you enable (check) the Print Identifier box and enter a quantity of labels in the # Labels field, the attached DYMO printer will print barcode labels for this purpose. A default number of labels may be set for each supported document type under the Documents tab in the Parameters database (Maintenance > Database > Parameters).


If a DYMO label printer has been installed and set up properly, there is no need to specify the DYMO printer as either the 1st or 2nd printer. In this case, the application is aware that a label printer has been set up for your station.

Document labels include a barcode as well as the document identifier (printed below):

Sample Document Label

Sample Document Label

DYMO and LabelWriter are registered trademarks of Newell Rubbermaid, Inc.

Solving Printing Problems

If a device isn't accessible or valid for some reason, a printing error may occur. In almost all cases, the transaction will still update and the document can be re-printed later. If printing fails, it's best to resolve the printing issue whenever possible; otherwise, try re-printing the document at another printer or from another station until the print problem can be resolved. Most printing problems are not covered under your support plan and must be resolved independently.
